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Our selection of transmissions is perfect for any forklift repair. Choose from top brands at competitive prices.
The transmission configuration of a forklift differs from machine to machine and contains many components. They differ from the electric forklift to the DIESEl or LPG forklift, from the manual to the automatic, hydraulic transmission.
Forklift clutch disc TCM code: 12573-12041
Compatible forklift: TCM FD15-25
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Heli code: 13453-10402;
Compatible forklift engines: 490BPG A490BPG C490BPG A495BPG NB485BPG QC490 4D27G31 4C2-50V32;
Clutch diameter: 275 millimeters;
Number of teeth on the forklift clutch disc: 18 teeth;
Number of teeth on the forklift clutch disc: 10 teeth;
Toyota pressure plate code: 31210-20551-71, 31210-22000-71, 31210-22020-71
Toyota clutch disc code: :31270-23361-71, 31280-23601-71, 31280-23361-71
Clutch diameter: 275 millimeters;
Number of teeth on the forklift clutch disc: 21 teeth;
Clutch diameter: 275 millimeters;
Number of teeth on the forklift clutch disc: 12 teeth;