Goods are generally shipped within 24 hours of receiving payment and are shipped via official courier companies with tracking and delivery without signature. If you prefer other delivery solutions, please contact us before choosing this method.

Depending on the product you buy, we ship from different locations in Europe. This may affect delivery time.

If you buy from a non-EU country, your products may be subject to customs duties and other taxes. Please make sure you know before you order.

Shipping charges include handling and packing charges as well as shipping costs. Handling charges are fixed, while shipping charges vary based on the total weight of the shipment. We advise you to group your items in one order. We cannot bundle two distinct orders placed separately and shipping charges will apply to each of them. Your package will be shipped at your own risk, but special care is taken to protect fragile items.

Unless otherwise specified on the product page, shipping is not included in the price.